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29 de Enero de 2018
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Edición 266 :: Formación
Training Webinars for Primary School Teachers
Training Webinars for Primary School Teachers

Training Webinars for Primary School Teachers

Empowering primary learners for the future
20th, 21st & 22nd February 
Realizado por PEARSON en colaboración con ANAYA.
Tuesday, 20th February | 18:00-19:00 or 19:30-20:30
Sara Davila - Scaff olding: Giving our Primary Pupils the Support they need.
As primary teachers we know that scaff olding is an essential part of making an eff ective lesson for our learners, but what exactly does this mean in our day-to-day teaching? From setting clear learning objectives and assessing our pupils’ competence in meeting them to gradually increasing the challenge and moving on to higher goals we’ll see practical examples of how scaff olding can work in the primary classroom and how it can make your students more confi dent and capable future learners.
Wednesday, 21st February | 18:00-19:00 or 19:30-20:30
Michael Brand - Fostering the 4Cs: key competencies for success
Primary English teachers do a lot more than teach the English language. We look to develop in our pupils the competencies they need to fl ourish in school and in life. We allow opportunities for communication, look to engender collaboration, aim to foster creativity and to develop critical thinking. This session will look at what the 4Cs mean to primary teachers in the 21st century and will suggest engaging, practical activities to go about developing them in our pupils.
Thursday, 22nd February |18:00-19:00 or 19:30-20:30
Elena Merino - Playing for real: getting the most out of games in primary.
In ELT, we have always played games. But while they have often been used as fi llers or rewards, nowadays they form an integral part of lessons. Not only do they expand, reinforce or help to learn new concepts but they also provide valuable feedback on our students’ performance. But what turns a game into a true learning experience? How can we best
gamify our lessons? In this practical webinar we will see how games and game-based learning can be benefi cial to our students. Insert coin and get ready to play!
Documento relacionado:
2018-02-20 webinars-invitacion-ENG-v02sin cortes.pdf Enlaces relacionados:
ACES Asociación Andaluza de Centros Enseñanza de la Economía Social (ACES)  

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41003 Sevilla
Teléfono: 954 32 52 58

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